Today cyber risk is a top concern of Boards of Directors and Senior Executives. Directors and Officers insurance protects Directors and Officers from liability arising from actions committed as board members or officers of a company or an organization.
Directors & Officers insurance offers personal liability insurance that provides general cover to a firm’s directors and senior executives. Paid usually by the company, it reimburses (in part or in full) the costs resulting from law suits and judgments arising out of poor management decisions, employee dismissals, shareholder grievances, and other such acts committed in good faith.
Our coverage offerings include:
- A duty to defend policy including full prior acts
- Unlimited extended reporting period for former directors and officers
- Automatic outside directorship liability coverage for service on 501 (c) 3 boards
- Duty to indemnify available
- Standalone coverage for D&O and Employment Practice Liability (EPL) available
- Policy can be written with D&O, Fiduciary, and Crime
- Limits available up to $15 million (primary); higher limits available through excess
- Choice of counsel available
- Deductibles starting at $0 for D&O and EPL
- Defense outside the limit available